1. Live fast, die young enjoys it and seems to be the philosophy of the young.
2. Human life is always more appreciated by older than by young people.
3. you and I are transient and end of the corridor is the label: you only live once
4. So pay tribute to the men pass on this life - this day marks the birthday of Napoleon, of Martin Luther and Abraham Lincoln.
5. man immortalized their fragility and relativized knowing God. Magnify one's life and that of others and we forget the giver of life. How does God's life? There was someone who saw human life as God sees. His message is in Psalm 90.
6. When Moses wrote this Psalm? Moses saw the transience of man for 40 years. Do you remember what happened to the generation that believed in the promised land? died in the desert. result? Moses lived for 40 years a continuous funeral, waiting to die all the people. Burying people ... Moses' vision that gives us a lesson:
I / C transition to be the man, the eternal God is merciful to us, giving us joy in what we do
Purpose: To live each day depending the goodness of God that fills us with satisfaction
I. The transience of man v.1-12
A. To understand the impermanence of man, Moses gives us something solid and durable. We presented first God's eternity. See v.1-6.
1. God is the refuge of his people continued. In every generation, people have sought refuge in God v.2
2. The word for man denotes weakness, weakness. is not the word ish, is the word enos . is why the word broken is used only here in the OT to designate dust. See v.3-4.
3. The Bible speaks of our life not in terms of years, months or weeks, but in terms of days. The Bible says our days are like a thought like yesterday (v.4), as a night watch, which for Jews was 4 hours, like a dream (v.5) - which according to today most studies lasting a dream is between 15 and 20 min. Even if you sense that she dreamed all night, like the grass that grows in the morning and afternoon is dry. Such is the life of man, only God who pound of so many dangers at every moment knows how vulnerable our lives. Only God holding our breath every second know what man is transient. Only God knows the passenger who is the man. is eternal, kind, gracious and for a thousand years as one day.
B. But the man is transient by the wrath of God because of sin. In Gén.6: 3 God disgusted by the sin of man shortened his years, and said "his days shall be 120 years." Why? "We are consumed with rage and his wrath troubled" (v. 7)
C. See v.8 - because He sees our sins, all things are open before Him Even our mistakes, hidden or secret sins are known to him. All men are sinners and there is a special sense in which all humanity lives now under the wrath of God (v.9).
D. According to verse 10, our life is extremely limited to 70. Some live a year, but our life as a bird flies. This figure shows us how unpredictable it is the end of life. The bird flies suddenly, suddenly, without staying in any place a second longer than it should. Who can predict the flight of the bird?
E. Hence the Psalmist for the people of God asks for wisdom to number our days (v.12).
So in these first 12 verses we see the impermanence of man. you and I are not chemically to stay. What then is the satisfaction of living?
II. The compassion of God allows us to have joy in what we do, vrs.13-17
A. In vs. 13-15 the psalmist prays to God for mercy on his servants for in the face of human frailty that is the only hope we have.
1. When ordering compassion then, the psalmist asks that his pain and annoying work be turned into joy (v.14).
2. The psalmist says, "if God love loyal satisfied then sing and rejoice all our days." The word I have translated "true love" is the word "mercy" and is a term that speaks of the special relationship between God and His people. is the covenant people, the apple of his eye, his chosen people among the nations, Israel. That God is faithful in are confident that we sate of mercy.
3. The Psalmist asks God rejoice as long as that has afflicted them - remembering the walk through the desert.
B. God's mercy is also seen in that he can display his splendor and glory through the works of men weak, vs. 16-17. God extends its light, v.17 or favor on their children. is then that one can enjoy the proceeds of their hands, even when life is so short and hard.
We have seen that as the frail man, God mercifully gives joy and happiness in their transitional work. It is true that God can rebuke us for our sin and then we feel fragile. But when God prospers what we do, we are elated for him and share in the eternal work that makes an eternal God. The kindness and compassion of God is our strength and this makes us feel crowned with honor and favor. For us death is not a biological accident at the end of life is the end of the day that God gave us.
Robert McCheyneaccount of a man who died 30 years and said: "God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride. rode the horse to death and now I can not deliver the message."
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