Define a good sermon may be, for some, how to find a black cat in a dark room. For the preacher, the difference between any sermon and a good one, is like the difference between seeing with glasses or without them. Urges us to distinguish the fine contours, because they depend the most important things to which we have dedicated their lives. We therefore propose here that if the cat is black and the room is dark, we urge on the light.
A good sermon is one that is shaped like a sermon . When the preacher answered the question why preach today, the answer is given within the framework of a central idea, a purpose, some major and minor points and an introduction and conclusion. That is, a good sermon is one that is well developed. The good way to test the elaboration of the sermon is to see whether the wording of the draft ideas expressed in full (subject, verb and complement), instead of phrases. The care in the preparation is reflected when the ideas expressed full message content.
A good sermon is one that is shaped like a sermon . When the preacher answered the question why preach today, the answer is given within the framework of a central idea, a purpose, some major and minor points and an introduction and conclusion. That is, a good sermon is one that is well developed. The good way to test the elaboration of the sermon is to see whether the wording of the draft ideas expressed in full (subject, verb and complement), instead of phrases. The care in the preparation is reflected when the ideas expressed full message content.
Also, it is true that a good sermon is one in which all content is consistent. In other words, keep some unity as a piece of oratory. Not a bad sermon, one that no brilliant ideas, but one whose ideas travel in all directions. Consistency is measured on whether they can be aligned, the central idea, purpose and conclusion. If, however, each one of these travels to a different destination, then there is no unity.
On the other hand, a good sermon is one in which all content is governed by the Bible . The preacher is concerned to clarify the meaning of all text data relevant to the worlds mensaje.Entre the preacher joins the world of the Bible, with its historical context and grammar and the modern world, with anti-theological and pressures tentacioanes to startle the listener. The good sermon is relevant, keep in mind as the answer to the question "so what it means to me."
Good sermon, finally, is well presented . Today the giants of communication are the presenters of television, talk-show hosts and interviewers. The preacher competes with them for the attention of the people. Competes at a disadvantage because these giants have an army of writers, directors and creative support them in "every segment of the communication. Putting people to repeat what the preacher said, as elementary classroom is not necessarily good presentation. Likewise, the preacher who is behind the notes or interrupts the flow of communication, stuttering, is lost. The only solution to this is good preparation.
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