Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mental Health Hotline Answering Machine

If you want to preach, but what should I do?

Billy Graham said in recent years that "if I were to start again, devote more hours to study before you preach." spiritual study does not appear until they understand that sacrifices everything we do reflects how we are really willing to give God. Therefore, it requires thinking and preaching ordering ideas is at the basis of study. See how we sorted the ideas to provide you with the task of preaching. ... First

have to select a passage
preach to change lives. Our word fails. The word of God definitely yes. So choose texts of Scripture and apply them to the lives of believers today. In selecting the three things come clear passage into consideration 1. The time available to me (I get the extension), 2. The need of the congregation (I get the subject.) 3. The biblical teaching that best responds to the felt need of people (I get the specific text). No doubt the spiritual experience of the preacher can be seen here. Second,

must convert the passage into a predicable idea
The need of the people is such that it has to take home first course work. We call this the central idea. This consists of a statement that answers two questions. What is talking about this passage and what it says about who is speaking. That response should take considerable care. To get that idea, the passage does not only read many times but it clarifies the meaning of its details, to understand what he's talking and you say that the speaker, ensuring that both statements are accurate and tight text. Made from a biblical idea, memorable and short, we have the idea to preach. In addition, Wonder

hope to do with this message
The purpose of the message tells us that we expect people to do with this idea. Usually guides us as to the application you must do the text. What the passage says literally takes him on a purpose relevant to the present need. This responds to the needs of the people of God today, although not the intention to set out. The purpose is like the hierarchy of the vessel, not seen, but gives guidance to the sermon.

On the other hand, the purpose helps to think like the genre helps us lead the sermon. For example, to ratify the idea, explain, test and implement it are tools that come from the genre and build dialogue with present needs. affirm the biblical idea, Coming from the Poetry and Wisdom, the explain, if it comes from the Epistles or Gospels, the tested, if it comes from the Epistles, Prophecy and Wisdom, and the apply when it is in parables, Epistles and Narrative. Ratify, explain, test and implement non-conceptual ideas to discuss and analyze the passage. Are aids to speak to the heart.

Develop the idea into a sketch
Make an outline to develop the idea or central thought. This development should not be imposed on the passage. Emerges from it. How do you identify the structure of the passage? Looking in the bible verses end with a dot. If they end with a comma, the thought is so far no point. It is also seen in bleeding or space below the point of the previous verse. These are the ways to see how many possible divisions have a ticket. Items and subitems are complete thoughts with a subject and complement. Make an outline that requires minimal knowledge of grammar. Learn how to build a complete idea (subject and complement). As the central idea has two parts, items and subitems of the message are also two parties. In addition,

Vista's message right colors
The skeleton of the message should dress with explanations of the text, illustrations, applications and reflections. All in happy harmony explains, applies, and illustrates the central idea repeated throughout the message. The more developed are the preacher's notes (eg script), but could impact the message, if not a straitjacket, but spontaneous handbook of ideas that speak eye to eye to the listener. Bible study in context Krajina sermon all the time because their content is what determines the central idea, purpose and applications sermón.Finalmente,

Think how to start and close the message with impact
The application does not is left for the conclusion. So to speak, opens with the application. The first sentence the message suggests and the subject or the need to listen. Those words are an invitation to hear. The introduction draws attention playing a necessity, suggests the issue and makes a transition to the text includes a brief mention of the context of the book, author or passage. For its part, the conclusion does not simply stop the message. Rather, it repeats the central idea in different ways, applying the idea of \u200b\u200bspecific forms and allows the listener to hear again a look at what addressed the message. The application takes over the entire message text showing the relevance of the life of the listener. The preacher can not apply what he has not spoken to him. Therefore the Holy Spirit always comes first with the preacher, and only then with the listener.


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