Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hughes Retirement Pension

A song to release if released


1. The protest songs of the years '60s and '70s, spoke of a release that did not know. soon realized that using art and music arrangements had enslaved rather than liberated entire villages.

2. We must confess that when it comes to the liberation of a people is easier we look forward to define. That is the contrast between France and its revolution and England or America and theirs. Some aspired to be free without knowing what it was, the other defended freedom who knew the "Glorious Revolution of 1688" and American independence.

3. do not know how you define what God has done for his country, but what has God done for you? How do you define God's deliverance in your favor? You know her? Will you explain? Is your explanation a song of praise to the divine love and compassion you have experienced?

4. a cantor in Israel wrote a song to release, if known. The details of her singing reveals a compassionate and merciful God who liberates his people with great love.

5. Her singing has been in Psalm 107. If we were to summarize what we would say that this song speaks ...

IC. We praise God for his faithful love it always works in our favor

Purpose: Praise God for His love that frees us in the midst of our bad decisions

I. praise God for his faithful love to redeem 1-3

II. praise God for his faithful love to protect us in ways uncertain v. 1-32

A. to the lost we Fatigue lowers his v. 4-9 cp. 6-7

B. The rebels frees us from slavery v. 10-16 cp. 13-14

C. to the afflicted us free v. the grave 17-22 cp. 19-20

D. Those who have been in the storm are the calm of God v. 23-32 cp. 28-29

III. praise God for his faithful love seen in the goodness of our Redeemer v. 33-42

A. can take away the bread but instead nourishes us v. 33-38

B. can lose ourselves in the hands of princes but instead it thrives v. 39-41

C. Check it the righteous, think about how wise and praise God

42-43 Conclusion

1. We have heard a love song to God for his faithful love always works in our favor. But this song also sums up the mistakes of the people, which magnifies the love spoken of.

2. Do you recall how God has spared even his own mistakes? When we doubt, we left, we got lost, and sin we defeat or overwhelms us Remember that God has done? How has healed, delivered, repaired, restored and redeemed in the midst of defeat?

3. God is gracious despite our rage, rants, mistreatment, abuse that then cause us deep guilt and sorrow.

4. God has been compassionate when we did not believe her deserve nothing but punishment. Compassion, Jesus has given us his pardon. So this psalm summarizes the liberating ministry of the Lord Jesus.


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