Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hotter Than Denise Milano

The new commandment and how premiere


1. Trobisch Walter many years ago wrote the book "Love is a feeling that you have to learn." His idea was that love is something that we all profess or ask, but may not always understand.

2. Do you understand the essence of love? The essence Says who? Do we work for love of our family or responsibilities? "We preach love or because God has called us? Is it the responsibility of the love? Does love tolerate the mistakes of others or is it correct?

3. So when a group of believers in Asia Minor, probably in Ephesus, the visit was very confused teacher, John the apostle of love made it clear on what these teachers said.

4. Juan responded immediately to the visit of these teachers with a beautiful letter of John 1st.

5. In teaching that love is a feeling that you have to learn John is a section oferce I John 1:7-17. If we were to summarize what John says Hence, in short we could say that ...

IC The commandment of love, features to differentiate between people and things

Purpose: to teach believers to understand that people are first

I. The commandment of love focuses on people 7-11

  • A. Love is a commandment in the law is v. 7
  • B. There is a new angle v. 8.
  • C. Love is a commandment focuses on people vs. 9-11,

Well, we've seen that speaks of the centrality of people, but secondly it also tells us that ...

II. The command to love does not differentiate based on age range, the relation with God 12-14

  • A. The little children love because Jesus has forgiven v. 12.
  • B. at various stages of maturity, love depends on our relationship with God v. 13.
  • C. various stages of maturity in love triumphs when God says in v. 14.

has told us that love is centered on people and that love is waiting for you, no matter what stage you are. Now in third place Juan said ...

III. The commandment of love is to know the fate of things perishable v. 15-17

  • A. Amar things in the world shows no love of God in me v. 15.
  • B. Amar things that enslave, seduce and pride cause is not of God v. 16.
  • C. Loving people is to invest in the will of God that is durable v. 17.


1. There is no doubt that the commandment of love includes knowing the difference between people and things,

2. Do you know the difference? I have to confess that being a person of tasks, habits and goals this is an issue that cost me a lot. If you're like me, may have a need to review the attitudes and behaviors. I can hardly get out of my routines to love those who are nearby.

3. When people are inappropriate as we react? When the visits are unexpected?

4. When the need of others appears ... I know the temptation that I have. Putting things in relationships is a way to destroy not only life but also the family and society. Against that there is no law or government program that will rescue us.


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