Saturday, December 11, 2010

Using Bread Machine To Make Mochi

That the rulers should be subject to God


1. The Lives of Caesars almost always end violently. Were not neutral in religious matters.

2. imperial religion made them gods and demanded worship absolutely to the point that call Jesus Lord was subversive in those days.

3. British historian TR Glover: "The day", he said, "when people bring their children the name of the apostle and his dog the name of the emperor."

4. To the great empire had come to Solomon. His kingdom was divided northern 10 tribes with a false capital at Shechem and a false religion in Bethel.

5. Jeroboam put idols in Bethel and Samaria. Golden calves and said Israel "this is your god who brought you out of Egypt."

6. Appointed prophets and priests to these pagan gods and prevented the ten northern tribes take the sacrifices to the temple of Jerusalem. Thus began the failure of one kingdom after another in the northern kingdom.

7. Two hundred years of failure after failure between 932 and 722 BC, disobedience, idolatry, abuse against his neighbor caused captivity.

8. North Kings would not be descended from David.

9. This brings us to our passage I Reyes l3 :1-34 When you read the passage carefully, you discover the message is ...

IC God judges human religiosity where the word of God has become accommodative / complacent.

The first text says that:

I. God judges man-made religion, v.1-10

A . The start of a religion IR12

B . The unnamed prophet declares trial on the altar, v. 1-3

C . The king extended his hand and was paralyzed, v. 4-6

D . The unnamed prophet rejects the royal invitation, v.7

II. God judges our relativization of the word of God, v. 11-24

A . The old prophet wants to meet the prophet bold, v.11-18

B . The unnamed prophet relativize God's word, v.19

C . The old prophet said the trial of the anonymous prophet, V. 20-25

III. God judges here that the religious faith use for their purposes, v. 26-34.

A. The old prophet buried the unnamed prophet, v. 26-30

B. The old prophet believe the prophecy but no regrets, v. 31-32

C. King of the withered hand, he also loses his kingdom, v.33-34


Are we in the footsteps of that old prophet who lived in Bethel, seeking the safety of our bones after death without a clear commitment to the work of God and the Word of God?

Get out of the accommodating and obliging human religiosity and embrace God's work because the hope for this nation and for this church is on the word of God and in the obedience of his people. We should remind Christians who serve the nation that the only version that the world sees the word of God is the one shown in their lives.


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