The word of God in human ears: preach biblical ideas 1. Scripture is the revelation of propositions, true in everything that says on the act of God in creation, the formation of a people and their demands ethical man.
1.1. God is the first and ultimate reality, acting on revelation, salvation and justice as set .
1.2. The same God who called Abraham, I think Israel and promised a king from the lineage of David who would sit on his throne for ever, is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ now reigns at the right hand of the Father (Eph. 1.20 -21) and has given us similar position to the believers (Eph.2: 6), the new people of God.
1.3. God in His word is not trying to hide but to make themselves known to his people.
2. We read Scripture in historical form, grammatical and contextual, having learned to interpret our fathers in the faith's message of hope and redemption in Jesus Christ.
2.1. It was Augustine who said that the New Testament is latent in the Old and Old is evident in the New. In other words, you can not understand nor should read part without the other.
2.2. The contextual historical grammatical interpretation goes to the permanent relief of the Holy Spirit who polished our skills in analyzing literary genres, books, cultures, languages \u200b\u200band words, and enlighten our minds to take us to the understanding of the truth.
2.3. The objective in the interpretation of Scripture is our sanctification by the Spirit's work.
3. The Interpretation of Scripture involves seeing the victory of Jesus on it .
3.1. The Bible is a Christian document that anticipates the coming of the Son of God, who has defined himself as the history of salvation, and proclaims its message, which explains and supplements the AT
3.2. The good news is anticipated in the sacrificial system, ethics is anticipated in the law, the law is encapsulated in the prohibition eating the fruit tree orchard. Similarly, sacrifices were fulfilled in the person of Jesus, the ethics of the law is explained and internalized in the Sermon on the Mount, and the tree in the Garden, is exceeded by the wooden cross where life is Christ, "with whom I am crucified" to live the life of Jesus (Gá.2: 20).
3.3. Neither the powerful nations, or the anti-heroes, or tribes or churches disobedient distract the Bible's message of unity in Jesus as a central idea in development.
3.4. The good news, ethics, responsibility, and hope and future of the kingdom are the categories to read the Bible, without denying its past history and not forgetting Christ.
4. The texts of Scripture for each reader has a present value, even if its historical origin is limited to the human author's intention .
4.1. The Christian tradition of using the text so within the context otherwise unable to understand its original meaning.
4.2. The value of this text for the reader also involves the task of explaining the text in a historical, grammatical, contextual, this exercise is that God can show the reader new areas significance in light of the historical sense. Such meanings, must be subjected to the normal development of the whole biblical revelation.
5. The interpretation is, especially since Karl Barth, more resonance, a Community measure in the Church, in response to self-revelation of God .
5. 1. The interpretation and application of the Bible is a task that concerns all Christians, especially, on a more serious and professional pastors and teachers.
5.2. The interpretation of Scripture is a responsible act loyalty to God that feeds the people of God and not the result of moral provincialism or evasion of reality.
6. dialogue with the world includes understanding the major social issues differently from the ideologies of fashion:
6.1. This includes understanding human action, human freedom, the criticism of hypostatized to collectivisms and external tyrannies that seek to capture the modern man or the church
6.2. Without resign only to understand or criticize domestic tyrannies as materialism, greed, the service and other idolatries, that we be able to identify only free of collectivism and its consequences, reducing the dialogue to the role of the ostrich.
7. The central message of Scripture is the Lord King (Sal.93: 1). The kingdom of God is their prerogative to rule, the right people, kings and nations, which he created and redeemed, so our preaching testifies to its claim to this world, its people and things.
7.1. As interpreters awards recognize the need to interpret the Bible God's dealings with man in different periods. However, it is not necessary speak more than three major awards, the era of the Old Covenant, the New Deal era and the era of the Kingdom.
7.2. As we see demand biblical interpreters noted that there is a goal for history in the sacred record
7.3. As interpreters understand that (a) that the Church is not ancient Israel Probate (b) That the future program of God includes national Israel, (c) that Christ will reign on earth in history literally space-time compliance covenants (Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic)
8. The various critical schools have offered reconstruction and reclassification of the biblical material according to the ideological perspective of the artwork.
8.1. Such contributions are often limited in vision, culturally conditioned by this and philosophically hostile to the central message of the Bible,
8.2. Such ideas not only challenge, but above all, defraud the contribution that, collectively, the best minds in the past have done on the same subjects giving very different results.