Sunday, December 20, 2009

Unhandled Expception: C0000005

populous neighborhoods as a source of gossip, rumors and gossip

According to a recent field study, we detected that in populous areas barrios, which agglomerate a lot of people, this is the case of field study in an area which we will call "residential set X, where it was found that : Some people that said enclosure and in part due to resentment, often make many rumors, or at least exaggerating, that is what is understood or known how to speak ill of someone (comment wretched) or tear, smear, slander (exaggerate ) slander, invent, and of course "meter chaff."
Thus, the study sample was found that in these groups of individuals, usually menopausal women, I love to put weeds in destructive social gatherings, where high-sounding conversations involving the ridicule and vilification, ridicule and exaggeration, resentment and even a slight approach to the feelings of jealousy or envy and all this with a tremendous spirit discrediting a sublimated hatred of years.
"Therefore, people with so many restrictions they may experience both stress where he played an important role in economic and social pressure, something like a general discontent to everything around them and especially for those who modestly separate medium we have something, then the gossip, crack, (speaking evil to someone else) is like a great relief, without the slightest doubt, through these dialogues scathing (gossip, rumors or gossip) of aims intimidate or otherwise balance the social scale, a kind of compensation. "
Thus down to the ground the main character of the rumor or victim in the past and all that it represents (Who represent? In a family, a certain social class) Because deep down, hate is not to the person himself, but to what it represents. It is a problem social difference between them, between two different sectors.
This phenomenon reflects the fact that small groups of women there fanatics, known as "old gossip" , and small groups of men extremely wary of the success of others, known as "old rajon" all very debunkers, that send their comments from the unsuspecting residents of the area, unsuspecting ordinary people, it is understood by clueless people who are driven by current, or what people talk bad others, ie: " believe everything they say in my ear" , they may be people who hang out on the street, meeting and meeting such people, people of this low level, using these resources from gossip, slander and discrediting exaggeration with a tremendous spirit.
And all for trying to bring a third party, in the background is pure pure antipathy and resentment and perhaps who knows, other dark feelings are hidden, and deadly sins: envy. Although it is clear, they never admit it. (Remember that hatred is not towards the person, but to what it represents)
The real reason these rumors, are obvious, irrespective of many factors, as we have said and come back to confirm, there is a difference between social class and the other insurance what motivates dissatisfaction and antipathy. Over all that antipathy.
How is it manifested?
is manifested by the gossip, rumors and gossip, told by people with a tremendous spirit discrediting, whose members belong to the category of called "people callejoneras" such people from densely populated neighborhoods (more street, more corners, more jargon), being those responsible for spreading these rumors and gossip spread such (gossip alley) streets, squares, corners, and now a little further.
If there is something I am sure that the gossip, the gossip rajes and always have a source, and for that I have taken the time and patience to expose the disloyal, informers and other characters who in one way or another were involved and be surprised that I took.
One person leads to another, one lives in a neighborhood that is itself another friend who lives in a crowded neighborhood adjacent or at least two blocks away, they have friendships between men and women, the latter that his neurotic nature, were the most talkative, disloyal and firebrand, and if it is multiplied by the number of contacts having the same, including aunts, uncles, grandmothers, godmothers, friends, neighbors, etc.. What such gossip should be manufactured there.
But here's the novelty of the case, in addition to the familiar old gossip, get women engaged in weed and make mockery, also appear "old rajon" , many older men, and as I mentioned above, extremely wary of the success of others. And I say this because it is more than evident in the way, form or manner of speaking (my back) As well as comments from family and teenage sons and daughters and their older, and all that is just the tip of the iceberg.
. Going
pulling the thread of the skein, I discover other characters, which perpetrators were let loose his tares from meeting to meeting and even more surprising is that contemporary people would be within my generation, both men and women, to be counted and cracking, making hypotheses, theorizing, comment by releasing rumors, making mockery, distorting things, defaming and slandering. They became my worst tormentors. Many of them did not know, because I never dared to know, is consequently, totally unknown to me. But instead, it squandered the opportunity to ridicule against me.
What is the bottom line? is that what both talk and talk, what really motivates them or is there some other motivation.
What feelings are saved for them? The answer you can deduct. Although I can give you a preview: Here
these ladies and gentlemen, in these neighborhoods, at the bottom are people with no life of its own that need to put this talk sense to their lives together again, what point of comparison:
"¡... will not be the best, but we're not worse than the neighboring ...!".
Because the idea is that, to relay confession from evidence, and now I can say without the slightest hesitation and with complete accuracy that's what it is, as I said, why these sub groups will put much impetus to the manufacture of gossip, count, disseminate, acting with treachery, scorn, treachery and hypocrisy and that burst of gossipy old arguments voicing despicable, senseless and crude expressions, usually minor, emphasizing ridiculous, that can only be conceived by minds neurotic, hysterical women, ladies paranoid, ie of old gossip, brag, bitter and resentful.