Monday, March 23, 2009

Yellowish Period

This is not another sad post (now if it is)

UPDATE 1 (Monday, 7 pm): Alvaro left us no longer know what else to say. The only thing that comes to mind is a natural sympathy to his family and a big hug to Juliana

UPDATE 2 (Tuesday): No wrenching picture of a mother expressing the pain of loss of a child. "There is nothing I can reassure" the woman tells me that Alvaro called every day after finishing his work on Radioprogramas. I understand now more than before, because I am a mother.

Facebook A friend writes that express the nobility lost Alvaro. Since God took my brother in a traffic accident, I am sure that sometimes tends to be the best.

UPDATE 3 (Wednesday): Today's Lesson: I ask God to enlighten me to stop loving a pity to cloud my mind and complicate my life.

Update 4 (Thursday): The body of the friend was cremated, but his memory is eternal. Doña Celia smiled, remembering the stories that I tell on his beloved son whom everyone admired.

This is just a short note written as concentrate my energy, my most positive vibes to send to Alvarito in these difficult times.

wrap my most fraternal embrace remembering your smile, your clever lines, our interesting discussions and all the good stories that now come to my head.

The box of good wishes is ready for the trip to your bed tangled tubes. Science makes efforts, Friends pray, waiting for God, fate or whoever the offender may be the outcome of this uncomfortable chapter in your life, bring you back to the conscious world. Our impatience tries to kill time, we shut up a cry of helplessness, but at least so crazy sometimes, but always attentive, wait your recovery.

Here we are friends, do not hesitate.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Does Aeropstale Drug Test

gringo Goodbye

Is it possible to write about the writer?.
How to start writing about the writer?

There is no better way than trying to show the truth with heart in hand, robbing the post of any hint of post mortem salamería to which they are accustomed to politically correct. But the gringo was not politically correct, was "without offending the reader-a conchesumadre, a festival of talent and intelligence in a fat cocktail combined with a desire to gloat over his Puritan unsurpassed power snake charmer. He deserved everything tributes and diatribes, honor and repudiation, but never forgotten.

Memories come as early music of 90. The bathroom door pine for newly constructed, contorted with the rest of the old house of Javier Prado. It was placed there in earlier work that became home to one of the first families sanisidrinas in a journal, the Journal Page Free. But his pallor was short: on the inside had written a memorable graffiti: "The director is a white whale and I fish any sailing in this sea of \u200b\u200bincomprehension."

When I read that sentence did not yet know the mythical character who occupied the newspaper's management and who also belonged also the mythical home. It had been barely three days in Page and my eyes had come to welcome the customs of the writing more memorable of my career in journalism. He had not even turned 20 and took out his chest when I had that this was the congregation of the promises anthology of journalism. I remember

described it almost like the cuckoo. A monster in requirement, however, was able to become the most faithful teacher if he showed the wood was done. That third day I arrived early to confirm what he said the legend and so I saw it: flanked by two dogs, laughing as would a big ogre, greeting everyone and going to his cave-office, which then also directing, writing a book he called then "The Mole."

Several weeks passed weeks and for some reason ate a strange fascination for that office and the character that was occupied, though I hinted at a growing fear of having to reach her for some wake-up call. Fortunately, my foray into the cave of the ogre was happier reasons: I was responsible for the first time in my life an investigation: It must develop a profile of entrepreneur Leandro Reaño, then accused of murdering her lover, a secretary named Marita Alpaca, who were exhumed to end doubts about the presence of a child in her womb as a motive for murder.

(Note: The case grabbed the headlines of every newspaper. In one of these headlines is because just the name of Blog Ocram ).

gringo's voice sounded as serious as the compressed air flows through a pipe that was cut off the water. Among spirits and tired, completely terrifying for anyone who is facing for the first time the big boss. I listened carefully to his instructions and six hours later I was delivering my progress to my immediate supervisor. That night a greeting from the director did that at least I could sleep without fear. Guillermo

I met in my journalistic prehistory and I recognized him with several books and a thousand enemies lurking. His was a life of constant contradictions. On the one hand, an admirable creativity that nobody, absolutely nobody who has followed or denying known. On the other reprehensible political views, accommodations questionable, "hire talent to the highest bidder" as someone told me once. However, I can attest to his intelligence, his keen eye for the powerful stories of his ability to move public opinion, from his pen impressive. I always said that he understood the love-hate relationship from what William meant in my journalistic career. I remember I once went to a software radio that I was driving to talk one of his books and end with a blow to the shoulder, told me that he believed in the youth because he was a young forever, even though long ago he had cut the hair of Woostock times.

I came to feel that I admired and hated at the same time. He lived happy with his books, but outraged by the prostitution of his talents on television. Meanwhile, the gringo was telling the world that believed in me. Perhaps that is why I will never forget one afternoon, I ventured to look him in the eye and ask why so much political lunacy. Although their responses then kept him on his supposed blindness, followed by a silence, a pause betray me some humanity left.

(Since I started this blog I promised to tell the details of this conversation and the circumstances that motivated it. It is a chronic slope).

Guillermo Thorndike Lozada was nothing less and nothing more than a human being filled with excess, fear, guilt, merit and memorable episodes. A genius of such a timeless character. Adios gringo, you will miss.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pink Sequin Bathing Suit


"Taking the example of freedom of expression and that is a pride for us."

With that phrase (which is able to inspire more of an arcade who believe that freedom of expression is something else) the famous Madame Congresswoman, new president of the Women's Commission, Karina Beteta, sealed a ritual of honor thrilled Magaly Medina, on the occasion of International Women's Day. The place: The Board Porras Barrenechea, one of the main halls of the Palace Otorongo and once the seat of the Senate.

And I have not dug into the intimate life of anyone in my reports, I have only a disreputable blogoscar ...

Wow, that passes me behave myself and not be "controversial."

Crakepourpetshop Vips Littlest

Hey, just

Well, since half the world thinks I sucked on the finger and accepted as true the premiecito Oscar clarification here:

1.-I see the Oscar ceremony since I can remember and since I'm delighted with that golden figurine and emaciated. I thought it would suit the decor of my blog and so here it is. 2.-Ni

ca me think that the analysis of such diligent when Alex supposed to choose "winners." Did I write so often? ja.

3.-The Oscar-banner code can be copied by anyone, even a non-winner. So if any of you causes, even if they have notified to go to two previous posts on this blog and enter the link of the famous Alex.

4.-Thanks to those who cared, but I believe that neither the flying pig , the youngest blogger I know would think the trick of blogoscar.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Office Tv Show Clip Art

I have also my Oscar

Alex that I wrote to notify me of this beautiful figurine. Total Thanks

