Saturday, April 5, 2008

Zmiana Poziomow Drzew Farmerama

Gossip and psychosomatic illnesses.

periods of time where people (the people) picks on a (social sabotage), especially when for various reasons and in different ways we noted at some point, but not much, for example, to highlight some qualities or attributes show value, even when it seems that in our homes everything is going great, this gives an impression as if they had all the qualities found in one place.
is precisely there, in those moments where people unconsciously around us will reveal, is out to float the antipathy, jealousy and resentment, in the form of gossip, better known as gossip, which of course are grown, by some, immediate environment, generating a great myth and a legend, (farces, tales and stories)
Gossip seeks to redress the balance, that is making comments in public very often to perpetuate in time and do believe that there are least involved in the rumors, made more fuel to the fire, all this added to the hypocritical attitude of an insincere friendship, flavor this tasty morsel, desired by many ladies, ladies and not so young ladies (old gossip), and lords many talkers (old rajon) of streets, squares and corners.
These people show resentment, bitter live life for fun, putting weeds, creating gossip, slitting the friend, neighbor, etc.. Speculate, increase, invent, say, looking for one, look for another and then together (as) tear.
I know several, and I have fully identified and pitiful truth and how they speak, they put all the passion of their gossip, their rajes. These ladies and gentlemen, are the closest local environment and there is a high probability that you find on streets, plazas, streets, warehouses, shops, markets and newsstands, and even some that no notice will speak ill of one of our backs or in our presence. But feeding hatred brings negative consequences.
"... People who have a disease tend to talk about it all the time. That's because it continually think and verbalize their thoughts. If you're a bit wrong, do not talk about it, unless you want more of the same ", because if you do," You're giving energy to your disease. If you really want to help change the conversation (CHANGE OF SUBJECT) and speaks of good things, if you can, if not go away ... "
Rhonda Byrne (The Secret)
"... So be careful, not only with what you say but by what you hear. This should be reason enough to avoid at all costs, gossip, slander and gossip to those who, on occasion, we pay attention , believing that we are being passive listeners, not knowing the damage that may be causing us ...".
Camilo Cruz (COW)
already been said, the rajes, gossip or hearsay, sick, acting in bad faith, a matter weakens negative minding your comfort, ask yourself if If you are unhappy, why is that? When you spend part of your energy to waste on talks evil, creating discord, enmity, resentment, ill will and animosity.
is time to be consumed by cracking, giving it a misinterpretation of the facts, that power lies with you ladies, lords over you and yours.
"Of legends is also made history"