Monday, November 12, 2007

Bowling Ball Rejuvenator Oven For Sale

Do not you have a story. First reason.

The "old gossip" and "old rajon " the time to exaggerate the facts of a story -as if it were relevant events or real importance, a lack incur when they forget a few details that end up completely distort history. The strange thing is that as well as in stories and legends, it may be that the facts -that is if it were true, as if invented, distorted, or increased, "or are occurred long ago, but told as if it were true and it happened today, dig legends, stories and reminiscences exaggerating, feeding hatreds, based on those calls gossip gossip, leaving doubt for those clueless swallow that story.

is therefore of vital importance to have a reasonable and envision a broad picture, ie not stay with the interpretation of the people who says, but to apply the reasoning, -but not a domestic argument and old gossip rajon , contentious and illiterate class neighborhood, this reasoning neurotic ordinary and grotesque, but logical reasoning, which also invokes the sensitivity to probe the whole range of possibilities for a fair and impartial trial, and only take away from the madness, that fancy nonsense to destroy the other, mudding with friends or decrease the neighbor defaming, denigrating , smeared. Do not fall into the stupidity of this group seem to "old rajon " and "old gossip" of "Doña Poison" lackeys and suburban, Ayayeros Picture Rating and squares, streets and corners. Take distances, each in its place.
"Of legends is also made history"

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Catchy 21st Birthday Phrases

latency period of gossip

The gossip as "social sabotage" managed to stay in time, at different stages of incubation, period of development that is taking shape, feeding on the follies, speculation and stupid arguments, as well as evidence of bad faith, full of hatred, emotional instability (hysteria) and the lack of criteria for the people who hosts. The gossip and ended this period of latency, which purulent grain explodes, spreading its matter as arguments stinking rotten and disgusting comments from people disgusting. Menudo problem so far, if not for its rapid spread, once infected, making their control difficult, is when we say that the old has slipped gossipy mouth, being too late to do anything.

Gossip is moving, following a string, one feeds the other, sliding mouths, which bolus, once ingested and there is nothing you can do moves through the bloodstream, blocking arteries, moving without poisoning can pinpoint your location in its path, before being expelled for what it is, excrement.

We can only immunize the gossip, because it had a good time, gossip still has a "residual power." For this reason it would be best to mitigate this evil, gossipy old attacking where it hurts or is in the depths of his soul, the ego, punishing them with the whip of the indifference point.
"Of legends is also made history"